This section is for Conjuror Community (CC Club) Members Only!
(Non-Members scroll down to the next section.)
To login to your CC membership you should
- Go to:
- Enter your username and password and login.
- If you cannot log in... Ask for a password reminder by clicking the link shown here:
- Try resetting your password by visiting here
- If you have already tried changing your password and you still cannot log in, please email us and we will do it manually.
How Will I Know If I'm Already Logged In?
If you're already logged in to the site, once you go to:
you will see the image below on the login box stating that you're already logged in.
In this case, simply click the Member Home link at the top to take you back inside. If this is not working or your page looks different, you need to reach out to our support department.
This next section is for regular customers and non-members looking to login or having password issues.
- As a non-member, You need to be logging into a different place.
- Login here instead:
It looks like this:
- If you have lost your password, click the link at the bottom of that page that says "Lost your password? We will send you a reminder email.
- If nothing else works, reach out to support and we will do it manually.